Monday, July 29, 2024

Vance is Lying

I grew up in fundamentalist Christianity which today has morphed into Christian Nationalism.  Vance is trying to reframe his "cat lady" comment but it reveals his attitude and the attitude of that slice of religious politician and voter.  They simply cannot understand or accept choice and freedom.  Those things are antithetical to their worldview.  

There is only one right way to live... theirs.  Anything else is wrong and must be rooted out.  They believe people can only be happy when living life their way.  They can never be happy until YOU live life their way.  They take other perspectives as an insult.  They are offended by things that have nothing to do with them because everything must be about them.

I have often said that trying to get the Left on the same page is like herding cats.  That's a good thing.  I am a moderate, centrist, liberal and I argue with those within my political sphere.  I disagree with members of my own "team" on various things.  But at the end of the day, the Left end of the political spectrum allows a tent for those arguments.

On the contrary, the Right, over the past 10 years, has sidelined and primaried every voice that does not fall into lockstep.  Liz Cheney, the conservatives conservative, has no place in their vision for America.  Republicans like Bill Kristol no longer have a political home.  Mitt Romney, who ran for president under their banner, is sidelined and despised (in Utah he was booed at our convention).

So, when Vance declares that he was just being sarcastic, he is lying.  He does not believe in freedom... other than the freedom to think his thoughts and live life his way.


Ed said...

I'm not sure I fully agree that there is no room for a tent on the right. Most of the people I talk to that lean that way despise Trump/Vance and what the party has become but they aren't on a national stage so they just disagree in their small circle and still pull the lever come election day. They don't boo the Cheney's or the Romney's of the world. I still hope that after this has run its course, those like Cheney and Romney will be welcomed back onto the national stages.

But then, it may truly be a fundamental shift that is permanent. For those of us in the middle, I certainly hope this isn't the case.

Andrew said...

I also hope that isn't the case.

Bob said...

I don't think it's permanent shift. If I am wrong, I think a new party will be formed. Trumpism may be on the rise right now, but it's not sustainable long term. Although I agree about the current state of the right, in my opinion that is a faction of the right and, sadly, the current GOP which, again, I am confident will swing back to some degree of reasonableness. Also, I disagree that the extreme side of the left is any more reasonable or tolerant, e.g. AOC and "the Squad." All the things you said about the extreme right are true about the extreme left. Meet me in the middle, please. Always appreciate your thoughts, Andrew.

Andrew said...

Just to clarify, I don't think extreme Left is any more reasonable... but, at least for the moment, they don't have the control that the extreme Right seems to. I agree with your middle voice. There are ideas and views on all sides of the spectrum and I hope with you that we can start heading in that direction more in the years to come. We have a couple really good Republican voices here in Utah that I hope get more national attention.

Bob said...

Point well taken. Thanks.

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