Vocabulary Question:
I ______________ the memories of my Grandmother.
A. hoist
B. contract
C. cherish
D. avoid
This question is given on a professionally created, state purchased test (I just corrected it). Which did you answer? Were there any other possibilities?
How many students have been judged to have not understood the vocabulary, when in fact they understood it very well? Perhaps in seeing two possible answers, the student understands the use of vocabulary better than the professional who designed this question. It is often the case that one economic class tends to select one answer, while another class selects the other.
I see this kind of thing all the time when my students are state testing - questions that have multiple correct answers, depending on the view of the reader. If the question writers tend to think in either/or terms and lack the empathy to perceive another perspective, it is easy for them to create many questions such as the one above.
There is value in multiple choice tests. But presently, the success or failure of a school rests entirely on the results of a few multiple choice tests, given over the course of a week in late Spring.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
A Conversation on Hell
Over at New Ways Forward, I entered into a discussion about Hell. I put it here since it falls in line with recent posts and it articulates more of my view on Hell.
Andrew: I find that people often have trouble moving out of an either/or paradigm. If one does not believe in an eternal hell, then one must not believe in discipline or consequence- everything becomes a free for all. I have no trouble with hell in theory, but I get tripped up over the word eternal. The way Hell is popularly articulated would fly in the face of most of the story of scripture. Any claims God would make to “Father” would be laughable. The story of the prodigal becomes pretty meaningless. God is not patient, God does not always persevere, God keeps records of wrongs, and hope dies.
Yep, I don’t think that should be the Christian story.
Grant: I find it hard to dismiss the idea that Hell exists and that some people will end up there. Although what Hell truly is, is another question. I like what Tim Keller said (following CS Lewis) – the fire imagery is probably metaphorical, but it’s a metaphor for something far worse than a literal fire. To those who follow Jesus and say “Thy will be done” God grants them eternal life. To those who refuse God allows them to continue in their chosen existence and in effect says to them “Well OK, Thy will be done”.
If Jesus said that he is the way the truth and the life, then he must in some sense have come to save people from ways that were not the way, that were contrary to truth and life. If following Jesus leads us to real life, and real truth, then other ways do not lead us there, they lead to error and death. Here is exactly where I see Hell fitting in. In choosing not to follow Jesus people are in effect choosing death over life. In short I think Hell (whatever it may end up being) is something chosen by people rather than a place people are sent to. That way I see that God wills all to be saved but some choose not to accept the offer and prefer to declare their independence from God. God loves everyone but not everyone reciprocates. God never forces people to love him. If he did, could we really call that Love? God is patient and God perseveres but he has set a time limit on his patience. Endless patience is not patience but acceptance of the way things are. God is patient but wants to give everyone a chance to respond. But He will not wait forever. Doesn’t mean he’s not patient. God does persevere, he also suffers long the sin of his creation. Hope does not die this way, it is very much alive for those who follow Jesus. There is no hope for those who chose not to follow Jesus.
There are other options I don’t know much about – annihilationism and conditional immortality are two I’d like to explore.
I’m not sure what Andrew means when he says the way hell is popularly articulated. I assume he means that people present salvation as fire insurance?
Well that’s how I see it…..
Andrew: No, wasn’t making a comment about salvation… just that most folks would say hell is a place of torment, that it is eternal, and that you only have till you die to get it right.
It may be that God set a time… 3,2,1… and the door is closed forever. However, if that is the case, he may be god… but he is no Father.
Grant: Hi Andrew, thanks for clearing that up. I hear you on that point and I suspect that many people naturally recoil from this doctrine because of the way it is presented. I was told that you never preach about Hell without a tear in your eye for obvious reasons. I suspect that many times it has been preached with air of smugness and superiority, as if the preacher was some how happy that people ended up there. I know there are also emotional issues attached with this doctrine, especially when we have close friends and family members who don’t know Christ. It’s heartbreaking to think about their fate to be honest.
But I must respectfully disagree with you on that point about God as Father. I don’t think it Hell undermines it. I don’t think your conclusion logically flows from your point about Hell. I actually think it is the other way around. If God does not have a limit on his patience and time limit for those who persistently rebel against God then he is not good and he is not just. He is also a bad father.
Would we call a man a good earthly father if he allowed his children to run wild, get into situations that harmed them and the family? Would we call him a good father if he never tried to stop the bad behavior of the child? If the Child ignored the ultimatum from the parent- stop this or face the consequences – would we call them a good father if they didn’t make good on their promise of punishment?
Of course we wouldn’t. We would call them a bad father. In fact we couldn’t even call them a parent. They are the servant of a child who is allowed to do what they want. They’re even worse than baby sitters. Yet this is what i see many people expecting God to do. They expect him to allow people to persist in sin, in open rebellion against him forever. Can we really call God good or Father if he allows evil to persist forever? Can we really say that God is just if he leaves evil unpunished?
While I would like all people to be given a chance to repent after death, I don’t find a lot of scriptural support for it and as such I can’t bring myself to believe it on an intellectual basis. On an emotional basis I’m holding out for it. I once heard someone say “I’m not a universalist, but God might be.” If God chooses to let everyone off the hook at the end of time, who am I to complain? It would be awesome, but I’d have a hard time understanding why God chose to forgive people like Stalin or Hitler who died unrepentant sinners.
I know I didn’t touch on the eternal side of things, and this comment is already WAAAYY too long. But let me point you to a good sermon on the topic that helped me clarify my understanding of Hell. It’s by Tim Keller – here is the link:
Andrew: Thanks Grant for your response. However, I still hold my position. It is common for people to believe that because I do not accept an eternal Hell, I would assume that God would be an overly indulgent Father who cannot discipline his children. I think nothing of the kind. I think God can discipline, protect, enforce rules, and do all the things a good father does without that going hand in hand with assigning a child to an eternal torture chamber with no hope of release. These are two different points, but it is a separation that most Christians have trouble seeing – let alone wrestling with. Again, I don’t think anyone will be let off the hook, I think everyone will have to come to grips with the way they have harmed others… and I don’t think they can move on until they have come to term with those realities. I don’t think anyone moves on unrepentant… But there would be no reason for a father to have a cut off point… I do not believe any parent would… however, I can completely picture an annoyed sibling desiring the father to have a cut off point…. and it is our fellow siblings who have penned and edited the scriptures. :)
Grant: Hi Andrew, thanks for the response and I still respectfully differ with you.
I do think you’ve got a lot of assumptions in your comment that are unwarranted. I’m not sure Hell is something assigned to someone as it is chosen by the person who goes there. In effect God says to that person “OK, if what you want is independence from me, then you can have it.” The person who dies with unrepentant heart simply does not want to be with Jesus following death. Note the story in the Bible of the Rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). When the rich man dies and ends up in Hell, he first response is not “Get me out of here.” He asks Abraham for a drink to ease his burning tongue. He is content to stay there and continue his life apart from God, although he does want his stay to be somewhat more comfortable.
Let me also pose a hypothetical question to you. What if you punished, disciplined, loved, protected and enforced good rules on your own child, yet no matter what you did they continually chose to ignore you, go their own way and denounce you as their parent? What if they sought to have the legal relationship between the two of you changed so that they would never have to ever be known as your child? What if they wanted to completely and utterly declare that they had nothing to do with you? How would you feel?
Devastated to say the least. If that were me I would spend the rest of my life chasing them, pursuing them, loving them until my last breath. Yet if they constantly resisted my advances, refused to see me and consistently declared me to dead to them, what could I possibly do to make them love me? I could never force them to love me. At some point I would have to allow them to choose what they wanted to do. It would be heartbreaking (and I would spend my life pleading with them to choose differently) but if they didn’t choose to love me what could I do? I could never force them to love me. In effect they have shunned what could have been a wonderful life with healthy relationships and love, for their own independence. While it might be hard to believe this ever happening in today’s world it is exactly what we have done to God as human beings. God doesn’t want anyone to choose that sort of relationship with him, and he pursues us relentlessly, but he cannot force us to love him. Love that is forced is not love at all.
Andrew: Grant, before I continue, let me say that I appreciate your respectful dialogue. I find few people in online conversation that can hold an opposite view but resist the urge to get into taunts and jibes. Refreshing.
In response to your hypothetical question: I can imagine your scenario, and I agree that it would be hurtful and I cannot ever make my child love me. But here is where I think a Father’s response differs, as a Father, I would never refuse the return of my son. The door is not locked. My son, regardless of how he has rejected me, what he has said, what he has done, ALWAYS has an open door waiting for him.
The one thing I have realized as a parent is that I will always love my children more than they love me. This is not lack of love on their part, but surplus of love on mine. I think there are some parents who, whether consciously or unconsciously, react negatively when they discover this and because they never received a surplus of love from their parents- dysfunction begins and is perpetuated.
I think the god as described by popular Christianity, the one who sends people to Hell (no sane person chooses torture) is a bit of a dysfunctional father. He cannot abide a child not returning his love, and so the child must be punished. I think dysfunctional parenting is so common that we do not react when we see its markers being attributed to God.
I was watching the play Cinderella last night, and as I saw the step sisters desperately trying to get the glass slipper to fit, it occurred to me that this is what many Christians are trying to do with Hell. They feel that they have to believe it, so they squish and they push. They begin to attribute to god things that would be considered psychotic and evil were we to attribute them to any man. But for sake of orthodoxy we have learned to call evil good in this case. The reality is, this slipper is one that will never fit, no matter how we contort. It is better to throw it away.
Grant: Thanks for the kind words Andrew. I was watching NT Wright last night on Homosexuality and the Church. One of his main points was that we need to get to a place where we can have civilized discussion instead of a shouting match. I think that hit the nail on the head, and it could be applied to just about all controversial points of Christian doctrine. I must confess I am partial to shouting matches, so I’m glad this has not turned into one. I think back to my earlier more Pharisaical days where I regularly denounced anyone who differed with me as heretical. I have had to repent of much in my short time on the planet. So I am glad you find my tone refreshing. I aim to keep it that way.
I think we’re on a similar wavelength with the doctrine of Hell. I believe that all who want to return to God will. I’m a firm believer that God will never turn people away who want to repent, and I believe that God is sovereign in the affairs of the world to ensure that all who want to return to him will do so during the course of their lives. I would love to believe in post-mortem repentance, but I just don’t see it in the Bible. I think there are two questions here. First is the precise nature of Hell. The second is how does one end up there? While I’m not 100% sure of the precise nature of Hell, I am a little more sure that people who end up in Hell have chosen that path as I have argued in other comments.
I still find no good reason to dismiss the doctrine of hell in regards to the way I have outlined in my previous comments. I think there are far more problems with rejecting Hell than there are with accepting it. Theology is very much an interconnected web, and removing one doctrine quickly affects others. Firstly, without the reality of Hell Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross becomes incredibly ambiguous, as does the notion of salvation. Salvation denotes rescue, but what did Jesus rescue us from? In fact if God will never send anyone to Hell and will always allow people into heaven then why bother to repent and follow Jesus? Why not just do your own thing? Why not be an Atheist or a Buddhist instead? If the outcome is same for everyone irrespective of what I do on earth then what does it matter how I behave or what I believe? In effect by removing Hell we are saying “Let us do evil so that good may result.” It would be a strange and sad world where that was allowed to happen. I know God is capable of other methods of discipline and punishment, and I know not everyone would do evil so that good would result if there was no Hell. But if we will all end up in the same place and position, then what does it matter what we believe or do here on earth? If we admit that not everyone will end up in the same place then where do those who remain unrepentant before and after death go? Will they be given a chance to repent after death? I don’t see it in the Bible, as much as I would like it to be true. Yet I still see significant problems with that view. Why bother to preach that people need to repent in this life and follow Jesus if they will be given a chance in the next life? Why not do as we please and wait to repent in the next life?
I’ll finish with a comment on popular Christianity. It is by no means as homogeneous as it would appear, and often what gets media coverage are the most controversial stories. Think of how much media coverage that “God-hates-fags” church gets relative to their size. Nor is popular Christianity always the most orthodox. Joel Osteen’s health wealth and prosperity teachings are very popular with some Christians but decidedly outside the realms of orthodox Christianity. That said I do understand the damage that many popular Christian movements have caused. Think about the Left Behind books and how they popularized a rapture theology. I know because for a long time I thought the main goal of Christianity was to escape this world. It’s been a long journey for me to see that following Jesus has real implications for this world here and now. That following Jesus means working to see this world restored and redeemed, to see Gods kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Apologies for the long comment! I hope I don’t put you to sleep with my epistle…I pray Gods richest blessing on you and your family in this Christmas season. I pray that you may know the unspeakable depths of the love and mercy of King Jesus. And I pray that the Holy Spirit may dwell richly with you, that you may in turn be a blessing to others. Grace and Peace.
Andrew: I find that people often have trouble moving out of an either/or paradigm. If one does not believe in an eternal hell, then one must not believe in discipline or consequence- everything becomes a free for all. I have no trouble with hell in theory, but I get tripped up over the word eternal. The way Hell is popularly articulated would fly in the face of most of the story of scripture. Any claims God would make to “Father” would be laughable. The story of the prodigal becomes pretty meaningless. God is not patient, God does not always persevere, God keeps records of wrongs, and hope dies.
Yep, I don’t think that should be the Christian story.
Grant: I find it hard to dismiss the idea that Hell exists and that some people will end up there. Although what Hell truly is, is another question. I like what Tim Keller said (following CS Lewis) – the fire imagery is probably metaphorical, but it’s a metaphor for something far worse than a literal fire. To those who follow Jesus and say “Thy will be done” God grants them eternal life. To those who refuse God allows them to continue in their chosen existence and in effect says to them “Well OK, Thy will be done”.
If Jesus said that he is the way the truth and the life, then he must in some sense have come to save people from ways that were not the way, that were contrary to truth and life. If following Jesus leads us to real life, and real truth, then other ways do not lead us there, they lead to error and death. Here is exactly where I see Hell fitting in. In choosing not to follow Jesus people are in effect choosing death over life. In short I think Hell (whatever it may end up being) is something chosen by people rather than a place people are sent to. That way I see that God wills all to be saved but some choose not to accept the offer and prefer to declare their independence from God. God loves everyone but not everyone reciprocates. God never forces people to love him. If he did, could we really call that Love? God is patient and God perseveres but he has set a time limit on his patience. Endless patience is not patience but acceptance of the way things are. God is patient but wants to give everyone a chance to respond. But He will not wait forever. Doesn’t mean he’s not patient. God does persevere, he also suffers long the sin of his creation. Hope does not die this way, it is very much alive for those who follow Jesus. There is no hope for those who chose not to follow Jesus.
There are other options I don’t know much about – annihilationism and conditional immortality are two I’d like to explore.
I’m not sure what Andrew means when he says the way hell is popularly articulated. I assume he means that people present salvation as fire insurance?
Well that’s how I see it…..
Andrew: No, wasn’t making a comment about salvation… just that most folks would say hell is a place of torment, that it is eternal, and that you only have till you die to get it right.
It may be that God set a time… 3,2,1… and the door is closed forever. However, if that is the case, he may be god… but he is no Father.
Grant: Hi Andrew, thanks for clearing that up. I hear you on that point and I suspect that many people naturally recoil from this doctrine because of the way it is presented. I was told that you never preach about Hell without a tear in your eye for obvious reasons. I suspect that many times it has been preached with air of smugness and superiority, as if the preacher was some how happy that people ended up there. I know there are also emotional issues attached with this doctrine, especially when we have close friends and family members who don’t know Christ. It’s heartbreaking to think about their fate to be honest.
But I must respectfully disagree with you on that point about God as Father. I don’t think it Hell undermines it. I don’t think your conclusion logically flows from your point about Hell. I actually think it is the other way around. If God does not have a limit on his patience and time limit for those who persistently rebel against God then he is not good and he is not just. He is also a bad father.
Would we call a man a good earthly father if he allowed his children to run wild, get into situations that harmed them and the family? Would we call him a good father if he never tried to stop the bad behavior of the child? If the Child ignored the ultimatum from the parent- stop this or face the consequences – would we call them a good father if they didn’t make good on their promise of punishment?
Of course we wouldn’t. We would call them a bad father. In fact we couldn’t even call them a parent. They are the servant of a child who is allowed to do what they want. They’re even worse than baby sitters. Yet this is what i see many people expecting God to do. They expect him to allow people to persist in sin, in open rebellion against him forever. Can we really call God good or Father if he allows evil to persist forever? Can we really say that God is just if he leaves evil unpunished?
While I would like all people to be given a chance to repent after death, I don’t find a lot of scriptural support for it and as such I can’t bring myself to believe it on an intellectual basis. On an emotional basis I’m holding out for it. I once heard someone say “I’m not a universalist, but God might be.” If God chooses to let everyone off the hook at the end of time, who am I to complain? It would be awesome, but I’d have a hard time understanding why God chose to forgive people like Stalin or Hitler who died unrepentant sinners.
I know I didn’t touch on the eternal side of things, and this comment is already WAAAYY too long. But let me point you to a good sermon on the topic that helped me clarify my understanding of Hell. It’s by Tim Keller – here is the link:
Andrew: Thanks Grant for your response. However, I still hold my position. It is common for people to believe that because I do not accept an eternal Hell, I would assume that God would be an overly indulgent Father who cannot discipline his children. I think nothing of the kind. I think God can discipline, protect, enforce rules, and do all the things a good father does without that going hand in hand with assigning a child to an eternal torture chamber with no hope of release. These are two different points, but it is a separation that most Christians have trouble seeing – let alone wrestling with. Again, I don’t think anyone will be let off the hook, I think everyone will have to come to grips with the way they have harmed others… and I don’t think they can move on until they have come to term with those realities. I don’t think anyone moves on unrepentant… But there would be no reason for a father to have a cut off point… I do not believe any parent would… however, I can completely picture an annoyed sibling desiring the father to have a cut off point…. and it is our fellow siblings who have penned and edited the scriptures. :)
Grant: Hi Andrew, thanks for the response and I still respectfully differ with you.
I do think you’ve got a lot of assumptions in your comment that are unwarranted. I’m not sure Hell is something assigned to someone as it is chosen by the person who goes there. In effect God says to that person “OK, if what you want is independence from me, then you can have it.” The person who dies with unrepentant heart simply does not want to be with Jesus following death. Note the story in the Bible of the Rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). When the rich man dies and ends up in Hell, he first response is not “Get me out of here.” He asks Abraham for a drink to ease his burning tongue. He is content to stay there and continue his life apart from God, although he does want his stay to be somewhat more comfortable.
Let me also pose a hypothetical question to you. What if you punished, disciplined, loved, protected and enforced good rules on your own child, yet no matter what you did they continually chose to ignore you, go their own way and denounce you as their parent? What if they sought to have the legal relationship between the two of you changed so that they would never have to ever be known as your child? What if they wanted to completely and utterly declare that they had nothing to do with you? How would you feel?
Devastated to say the least. If that were me I would spend the rest of my life chasing them, pursuing them, loving them until my last breath. Yet if they constantly resisted my advances, refused to see me and consistently declared me to dead to them, what could I possibly do to make them love me? I could never force them to love me. At some point I would have to allow them to choose what they wanted to do. It would be heartbreaking (and I would spend my life pleading with them to choose differently) but if they didn’t choose to love me what could I do? I could never force them to love me. In effect they have shunned what could have been a wonderful life with healthy relationships and love, for their own independence. While it might be hard to believe this ever happening in today’s world it is exactly what we have done to God as human beings. God doesn’t want anyone to choose that sort of relationship with him, and he pursues us relentlessly, but he cannot force us to love him. Love that is forced is not love at all.
Andrew: Grant, before I continue, let me say that I appreciate your respectful dialogue. I find few people in online conversation that can hold an opposite view but resist the urge to get into taunts and jibes. Refreshing.
In response to your hypothetical question: I can imagine your scenario, and I agree that it would be hurtful and I cannot ever make my child love me. But here is where I think a Father’s response differs, as a Father, I would never refuse the return of my son. The door is not locked. My son, regardless of how he has rejected me, what he has said, what he has done, ALWAYS has an open door waiting for him.
The one thing I have realized as a parent is that I will always love my children more than they love me. This is not lack of love on their part, but surplus of love on mine. I think there are some parents who, whether consciously or unconsciously, react negatively when they discover this and because they never received a surplus of love from their parents- dysfunction begins and is perpetuated.
I think the god as described by popular Christianity, the one who sends people to Hell (no sane person chooses torture) is a bit of a dysfunctional father. He cannot abide a child not returning his love, and so the child must be punished. I think dysfunctional parenting is so common that we do not react when we see its markers being attributed to God.
I was watching the play Cinderella last night, and as I saw the step sisters desperately trying to get the glass slipper to fit, it occurred to me that this is what many Christians are trying to do with Hell. They feel that they have to believe it, so they squish and they push. They begin to attribute to god things that would be considered psychotic and evil were we to attribute them to any man. But for sake of orthodoxy we have learned to call evil good in this case. The reality is, this slipper is one that will never fit, no matter how we contort. It is better to throw it away.
Grant: Thanks for the kind words Andrew. I was watching NT Wright last night on Homosexuality and the Church. One of his main points was that we need to get to a place where we can have civilized discussion instead of a shouting match. I think that hit the nail on the head, and it could be applied to just about all controversial points of Christian doctrine. I must confess I am partial to shouting matches, so I’m glad this has not turned into one. I think back to my earlier more Pharisaical days where I regularly denounced anyone who differed with me as heretical. I have had to repent of much in my short time on the planet. So I am glad you find my tone refreshing. I aim to keep it that way.
I think we’re on a similar wavelength with the doctrine of Hell. I believe that all who want to return to God will. I’m a firm believer that God will never turn people away who want to repent, and I believe that God is sovereign in the affairs of the world to ensure that all who want to return to him will do so during the course of their lives. I would love to believe in post-mortem repentance, but I just don’t see it in the Bible. I think there are two questions here. First is the precise nature of Hell. The second is how does one end up there? While I’m not 100% sure of the precise nature of Hell, I am a little more sure that people who end up in Hell have chosen that path as I have argued in other comments.
I still find no good reason to dismiss the doctrine of hell in regards to the way I have outlined in my previous comments. I think there are far more problems with rejecting Hell than there are with accepting it. Theology is very much an interconnected web, and removing one doctrine quickly affects others. Firstly, without the reality of Hell Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross becomes incredibly ambiguous, as does the notion of salvation. Salvation denotes rescue, but what did Jesus rescue us from? In fact if God will never send anyone to Hell and will always allow people into heaven then why bother to repent and follow Jesus? Why not just do your own thing? Why not be an Atheist or a Buddhist instead? If the outcome is same for everyone irrespective of what I do on earth then what does it matter how I behave or what I believe? In effect by removing Hell we are saying “Let us do evil so that good may result.” It would be a strange and sad world where that was allowed to happen. I know God is capable of other methods of discipline and punishment, and I know not everyone would do evil so that good would result if there was no Hell. But if we will all end up in the same place and position, then what does it matter what we believe or do here on earth? If we admit that not everyone will end up in the same place then where do those who remain unrepentant before and after death go? Will they be given a chance to repent after death? I don’t see it in the Bible, as much as I would like it to be true. Yet I still see significant problems with that view. Why bother to preach that people need to repent in this life and follow Jesus if they will be given a chance in the next life? Why not do as we please and wait to repent in the next life?
I’ll finish with a comment on popular Christianity. It is by no means as homogeneous as it would appear, and often what gets media coverage are the most controversial stories. Think of how much media coverage that “God-hates-fags” church gets relative to their size. Nor is popular Christianity always the most orthodox. Joel Osteen’s health wealth and prosperity teachings are very popular with some Christians but decidedly outside the realms of orthodox Christianity. That said I do understand the damage that many popular Christian movements have caused. Think about the Left Behind books and how they popularized a rapture theology. I know because for a long time I thought the main goal of Christianity was to escape this world. It’s been a long journey for me to see that following Jesus has real implications for this world here and now. That following Jesus means working to see this world restored and redeemed, to see Gods kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Apologies for the long comment! I hope I don’t put you to sleep with my epistle…I pray Gods richest blessing on you and your family in this Christmas season. I pray that you may know the unspeakable depths of the love and mercy of King Jesus. And I pray that the Holy Spirit may dwell richly with you, that you may in turn be a blessing to others. Grace and Peace.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Hope and Hell
Hell, must be on my mind as this will be my third post this week on the topic. On the FB side of things, my friend Darrin questioned some of my views on Hell following my article "Read the Fineprint." In the article, I state that the nature of Hell assures no true love by God... love cannot exist with that "or else" hanging over our heads.
Darrin pointed out that "or else" scenarios are the reality of our existence. There should be consequences. People who commit heinous crimes are deserving of Hell; and if one accepts the heaven of the bible, it follows that Hell comes along as part of the bargain. Darrin asked if I thought there will be justice in the afterlife.
These are great questions and valid concerns. Before I share my thoughts on the matter, I have to clarify that I am an Agnostic. Any talk of the afterlife is, to me, somewhat of an academic exercise. Also, my language here is primarily Christian since those are the waters in which I swim and has been the majority of my experience. So, without any further ado....
First, I have to say that I have no issue with consequences. I believe we tend to reap what we sow. This is an idea found in many faiths. My problem tends to focus on the eternal nature of Hell as explained in popular Christianity. That an individual NEVER gets an opportunity to repent, there is no possibility of redemption, all hope is gone. Eternal, unquenchable punishment... for the choices of 80+ years? I hardly resemble the man I was just 20 years ago. What would I be like after a millenia has passed? Hell is dropping a nuke to swat a fly. The numbers, to me, render it ridiculous.
As a Christian, my view on Hell began its radical shift after I became a father. What would it take for me to cut off relationship with my child... with no hope of restoration? When I first started articulating some of these thoughts years ago, my wife challenged me:
"I don't think I agree with your take on Hell," she said to me one day at breakfast. She pushed the newspaper toward me, "Look at this! Look at what this... sick, twisted man did! I don't care if they execute him, it is still letting him off easy! He deserves to rot in Hell forever, and it would not bother me one bit!"
I let a moment pass before saying softly, "What if it was Jacob?"
My wife froze as she processed what her feeling would be in this altered scenario.
"Shit!" she mumbled, and then took a long draw on her coffee.
What people want as a consequence for the stranger, and what they want for their own loved ones tend to be two different things. In God's case, we are all loved ones. That's why God call us to love our enemies.... he wants us to remember that those "others" are his sons and daughters.... they are our brothers and sisters.
In that light God's disciplines are that of a good father. Good discipline seeks to redeem the soul, change its direction - not extract a pound of flesh. This is demonstrated in the scriptures:
Hebrews 12:9 We all had human fathers who disciplined as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good that we may share in his holiness.
The endgame of all good discipline should be restoration. This is why I think justice is better defined by thinking of restoration and putting things right; rather than a balancing of the scales. As Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
So, do I think there will be justice in the afterlife? Yes, not because I think scales will be balanced, but because I think all things will be restored.
One of my favorite scenes in the finale of Lost is when we get to meet Benjamin Linus as a penitent man. He regrets the deeds of his mortal life. Now, on the other side, he sees clearly the type of man he was.
I think scripture gives us peeks into this. Jesus asked the Father to forgive the people killing him. Why? Because they did not know what they were doing. Was Jesus saying they were not aware of their actions? Not at all, but he seems to be telling us they did not have clear vision. Paul states this in his epistle to the Corinthians. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. This is why I have come to believe that true spirituality has much to do with clearing our vision, and little to do with accepting dogmas and creeds.
and what about the bible?
For me, it is an ancient book. Like all ancient words... some are timeless (act justly, love mercy, walk humbly) others need to be left on the rubbish heap. I think heaven and hell are just an ancient people using a carrot and stick to get people to behave. Carrots and sticks work while folks are young, but there comes a time when the adult needs to be motivated by something better.
Also, having observed Christianity for over 30 years, I honestly believe that a belief in Hell- whether tacitly or enthusiastically - damages the soul. I don't think one can accept that fate for the souls of others without corrupting one's own. The meanest Christians I have known held fast and loudly to their belief in Hell. The most loving ones I have known are those who put Hell on the shelf, or abandoned it all together.
Darrin pointed out that "or else" scenarios are the reality of our existence. There should be consequences. People who commit heinous crimes are deserving of Hell; and if one accepts the heaven of the bible, it follows that Hell comes along as part of the bargain. Darrin asked if I thought there will be justice in the afterlife.
These are great questions and valid concerns. Before I share my thoughts on the matter, I have to clarify that I am an Agnostic. Any talk of the afterlife is, to me, somewhat of an academic exercise. Also, my language here is primarily Christian since those are the waters in which I swim and has been the majority of my experience. So, without any further ado....
First, I have to say that I have no issue with consequences. I believe we tend to reap what we sow. This is an idea found in many faiths. My problem tends to focus on the eternal nature of Hell as explained in popular Christianity. That an individual NEVER gets an opportunity to repent, there is no possibility of redemption, all hope is gone. Eternal, unquenchable punishment... for the choices of 80+ years? I hardly resemble the man I was just 20 years ago. What would I be like after a millenia has passed? Hell is dropping a nuke to swat a fly. The numbers, to me, render it ridiculous.
As a Christian, my view on Hell began its radical shift after I became a father. What would it take for me to cut off relationship with my child... with no hope of restoration? When I first started articulating some of these thoughts years ago, my wife challenged me:
"I don't think I agree with your take on Hell," she said to me one day at breakfast. She pushed the newspaper toward me, "Look at this! Look at what this... sick, twisted man did! I don't care if they execute him, it is still letting him off easy! He deserves to rot in Hell forever, and it would not bother me one bit!"
I let a moment pass before saying softly, "What if it was Jacob?"
My wife froze as she processed what her feeling would be in this altered scenario.
"Shit!" she mumbled, and then took a long draw on her coffee.
What people want as a consequence for the stranger, and what they want for their own loved ones tend to be two different things. In God's case, we are all loved ones. That's why God call us to love our enemies.... he wants us to remember that those "others" are his sons and daughters.... they are our brothers and sisters.
In that light God's disciplines are that of a good father. Good discipline seeks to redeem the soul, change its direction - not extract a pound of flesh. This is demonstrated in the scriptures:
Hebrews 12:9 We all had human fathers who disciplined as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good that we may share in his holiness.
The endgame of all good discipline should be restoration. This is why I think justice is better defined by thinking of restoration and putting things right; rather than a balancing of the scales. As Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
So, do I think there will be justice in the afterlife? Yes, not because I think scales will be balanced, but because I think all things will be restored.
One of my favorite scenes in the finale of Lost is when we get to meet Benjamin Linus as a penitent man. He regrets the deeds of his mortal life. Now, on the other side, he sees clearly the type of man he was.
I think scripture gives us peeks into this. Jesus asked the Father to forgive the people killing him. Why? Because they did not know what they were doing. Was Jesus saying they were not aware of their actions? Not at all, but he seems to be telling us they did not have clear vision. Paul states this in his epistle to the Corinthians. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. This is why I have come to believe that true spirituality has much to do with clearing our vision, and little to do with accepting dogmas and creeds.
and what about the bible?
For me, it is an ancient book. Like all ancient words... some are timeless (act justly, love mercy, walk humbly) others need to be left on the rubbish heap. I think heaven and hell are just an ancient people using a carrot and stick to get people to behave. Carrots and sticks work while folks are young, but there comes a time when the adult needs to be motivated by something better.
Also, having observed Christianity for over 30 years, I honestly believe that a belief in Hell- whether tacitly or enthusiastically - damages the soul. I don't think one can accept that fate for the souls of others without corrupting one's own. The meanest Christians I have known held fast and loudly to their belief in Hell. The most loving ones I have known are those who put Hell on the shelf, or abandoned it all together.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Preach It Brother Pearson!
This is a wonderful news story about Carlton Pearson. He was a pastor of a church of thousands... until he came to the conclusion that the popular notion of Hell presented in Western Christianity simply could not be. His heart was healed, but his life was shattered as Christianity rejected him. His heart and mind had grown too large for their dogmas and formulas. I got choked up at various points.
One pastor during the piece, who did not like Pearson's shift, asked the oft repeated question "If everyone is redeemed... why bother preaching? Why tell anyone about Jesus?"
How small their religion has become....
One pastor during the piece, who did not like Pearson's shift, asked the oft repeated question "If everyone is redeemed... why bother preaching? Why tell anyone about Jesus?"
How small their religion has become....
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Read The Fine Print
I was visiting a church website this morning. On the opening page, they had lots of smiling happy people. There were tag lines about belonging, acceptance, freedom. You were encouraged to come as you are, be part of the community.
How welcoming.
However, like most companies trying to sell you something, there is the fineprint. To absolve themselves from feeling dishonest in any way, they have to tell you what they really think. However, they do not put it on the front page with accompanying pictures. None of the taglines will mention these details. You will have to click a few links in to find their belief statements. Their ultimate confession will usually be the last one listed.
Even while stating it last, they will attempt to minimize it. The fineprint is this: You are going to Hell if you do not join our church or one like it. They have books worth of theology on this point, but it will probably be reduced to a subordinate clause within a sentence. In fact, they will most likely avoid the word Hell and just talk about separation from God. They will by no means detail the torture that awaits you.... but it is there, between the lines of the fineprint.
It reminds me of Stephen King's Misery. Annie Wilkes proclaims her love for Paul Sheldon.
Does anyone really want a love like that?
How welcoming.
However, like most companies trying to sell you something, there is the fineprint. To absolve themselves from feeling dishonest in any way, they have to tell you what they really think. However, they do not put it on the front page with accompanying pictures. None of the taglines will mention these details. You will have to click a few links in to find their belief statements. Their ultimate confession will usually be the last one listed.
Even while stating it last, they will attempt to minimize it. The fineprint is this: You are going to Hell if you do not join our church or one like it. They have books worth of theology on this point, but it will probably be reduced to a subordinate clause within a sentence. In fact, they will most likely avoid the word Hell and just talk about separation from God. They will by no means detail the torture that awaits you.... but it is there, between the lines of the fineprint.
It reminds me of Stephen King's Misery. Annie Wilkes proclaims her love for Paul Sheldon.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Netflix's Hidden Gems
Netflix streaming is the best 8 dollars I spend monthly. It is a steal of a deal. There is an endless assortment of television, movies, and documentaries to tap into. In addition, as a parent, it is ideal. It gives me greater control of my children's viewing habits, and radically reduces the amount of influence commercials exert on them.
About a dozen years ago, I bought one of the first available DVRs, the ReplayTV. My favorite function was that it automatically skipped past commercials. My children grew up only watching recorded shows or video their mother and I selected. They rarely saw a commercial. Netflix has continued this reality for me. I think this lack of commercials has had no small effect on who my children are as consumers. A few years ago I asked Jake what he might like for Christmas. He shrugged, "I don't know... what is there?"
Netflix has so much available, and growing all the time, that it is easy to miss true gems that are hidden. I have found a few. What are some of yours?
This is a 6 part BBC mini series. James Nesbitt is a marvel to watch as he flips back and forth between Jekyll and Hyde.
Being Human
Three short seasons about a ghost, vampire, and werewolf living as flatmates. Sy-Fy has made a copy of this show, but here is the UK original. Great stories about the human condition.
Life on Mars
This show deserved more than a single season. Jason O'Mara stars as a modern day cop who gets hit by a car and wakes up in 1973. I am not usually into cop shows, but my brother Steve kept recommending it and he was right.
The Guardian
Simon Barker stars as a corporate attorney who gets assigned 1500 hours of community service as a child advocate, after being caught with drugs. If you like the Mentalist, you will probably like this.
The Last Airbender
Ok, the movie was terrible; but the show from which it came is inspired. I am not usually one to watch animation but The Last Airbender is wonderful.
The Twilight Zone
These should almost be required viewing in school. Many of these stories, though still subversive today, must have been scandalous at the time. I have been slowly working through the whole series. Considering how many times I have seen Telly Savalas try to saw a laughing Tina, or Shatner overact on an airplane - there are quite a few of these I had never seen before.
Dead Like Me
Reapers who get their reaping assignments from Mandy Patinkin while having breakfast at the local waffle house. Outstanding character development and dialogue. Curse Showtime for only giving it two seasons!
Lie to Me
Outstanding first season. The show is about a doctor who solves crimes by reading people's body language to tell when they are lying. They must have gotten new writers by mid-second season, because they ruined Tim Roth's character.
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis
I know most of you are aware of these two, but I have to mention them to demonstrate the dangers of Netflix. I watched the first episode of Stargate Universe having never watched the previous two series. Having enjoyed SGU, I decided to give the other two a shot. I watched 15 years of Stargate in about 6 months. This amount of TV watching can be hazardous to your health and your marriage. Approach new Netflix shows, that have many seasons, with caution.
About a dozen years ago, I bought one of the first available DVRs, the ReplayTV. My favorite function was that it automatically skipped past commercials. My children grew up only watching recorded shows or video their mother and I selected. They rarely saw a commercial. Netflix has continued this reality for me. I think this lack of commercials has had no small effect on who my children are as consumers. A few years ago I asked Jake what he might like for Christmas. He shrugged, "I don't know... what is there?"
Netflix has so much available, and growing all the time, that it is easy to miss true gems that are hidden. I have found a few. What are some of yours?
This is a 6 part BBC mini series. James Nesbitt is a marvel to watch as he flips back and forth between Jekyll and Hyde.
Being Human
Three short seasons about a ghost, vampire, and werewolf living as flatmates. Sy-Fy has made a copy of this show, but here is the UK original. Great stories about the human condition.
Life on Mars
This show deserved more than a single season. Jason O'Mara stars as a modern day cop who gets hit by a car and wakes up in 1973. I am not usually into cop shows, but my brother Steve kept recommending it and he was right.
The Guardian
Simon Barker stars as a corporate attorney who gets assigned 1500 hours of community service as a child advocate, after being caught with drugs. If you like the Mentalist, you will probably like this.
The Last Airbender
Ok, the movie was terrible; but the show from which it came is inspired. I am not usually one to watch animation but The Last Airbender is wonderful.
The Twilight Zone
These should almost be required viewing in school. Many of these stories, though still subversive today, must have been scandalous at the time. I have been slowly working through the whole series. Considering how many times I have seen Telly Savalas try to saw a laughing Tina, or Shatner overact on an airplane - there are quite a few of these I had never seen before.
Dead Like Me
Reapers who get their reaping assignments from Mandy Patinkin while having breakfast at the local waffle house. Outstanding character development and dialogue. Curse Showtime for only giving it two seasons!
Lie to Me
Outstanding first season. The show is about a doctor who solves crimes by reading people's body language to tell when they are lying. They must have gotten new writers by mid-second season, because they ruined Tim Roth's character.
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis
I know most of you are aware of these two, but I have to mention them to demonstrate the dangers of Netflix. I watched the first episode of Stargate Universe having never watched the previous two series. Having enjoyed SGU, I decided to give the other two a shot. I watched 15 years of Stargate in about 6 months. This amount of TV watching can be hazardous to your health and your marriage. Approach new Netflix shows, that have many seasons, with caution.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Santa On Overtime
I went to my daughter's school this evening to see her perform in Polar Express. Her theater class is doing a scaled down 25 minute version where she got to sing, dance, and act. She was wonderful, as always.
A cute part of the evening had to do with the Santa character and how the children in the audience responded to him. When Santa said to the stage children, "Who will receive the first gift of Christmas?" All of the children in the play were calling out "Me!". A few seats down from me was a two year old audience member who joined in "Me! Me! Me!". The little guy had great projection and secured a big laugh from the audience.
When the cast came out to do their bows, a 5 year old ran on to the stage to hug Santa. I give her credit; she saw her opportunity, and she took it!
Finally, when we went into the hall, an impromptu line of small children had formed around Santa. He was gracious and decided to go into Macy's mode. Within moments, he had children on his lap telling him what they wanted for Christmas - while parents took pictures with their phones.
I don't know who was playing Santa, but he made the same discovery as Tim Allen... when you wear the suit, you become the man.
A cute part of the evening had to do with the Santa character and how the children in the audience responded to him. When Santa said to the stage children, "Who will receive the first gift of Christmas?" All of the children in the play were calling out "Me!". A few seats down from me was a two year old audience member who joined in "Me! Me! Me!". The little guy had great projection and secured a big laugh from the audience.
When the cast came out to do their bows, a 5 year old ran on to the stage to hug Santa. I give her credit; she saw her opportunity, and she took it!
Finally, when we went into the hall, an impromptu line of small children had formed around Santa. He was gracious and decided to go into Macy's mode. Within moments, he had children on his lap telling him what they wanted for Christmas - while parents took pictures with their phones.
I don't know who was playing Santa, but he made the same discovery as Tim Allen... when you wear the suit, you become the man.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Another Earth : Movie Review
I just finished watching Another Earth. My interest was first drawn to it because it looked like an intriguing sci-fi film. As much as I enjoy sci-fi, I was glad to discover it was more than that.
The film focuses on Rhonda Williams, a smart high school senior accepted to MIT with hopes of a bright future. She has too much to drink while celebrating the end of high school with friends and drives home drunk. She crashes into a young family, killing the mother and child and leaving the father in a coma.
As a minor, she spends only 4 years in jail, but her true prison is her shattered life. Unable to cope with her guilt, she drifts through her days as little more than a phantom.
One day she goes to the site of the crash and sees a small memorial that has been tended to. She reads online of the man whose life she destroyed and decides she needs to seek him out to apologize. However, when he comes to the door at his home, she loses her nerve and declares herself a cleaning girl looking for work. His home and life are a shambles, and she begins to go to his home each week to clean and care for him.
I won't reveal anything more than that; if you are at all interested, this is a film worth seeing. You may notice that I mentioned none of the sci-fi involved in this story. It is because that element is merely the canvas upon which the story is being painted. This story is about life, and wounds, and regret.
Another Earth is a movie that runs slow and deep. Pour a glass of wine and be moved.
The film focuses on Rhonda Williams, a smart high school senior accepted to MIT with hopes of a bright future. She has too much to drink while celebrating the end of high school with friends and drives home drunk. She crashes into a young family, killing the mother and child and leaving the father in a coma.
As a minor, she spends only 4 years in jail, but her true prison is her shattered life. Unable to cope with her guilt, she drifts through her days as little more than a phantom.
One day she goes to the site of the crash and sees a small memorial that has been tended to. She reads online of the man whose life she destroyed and decides she needs to seek him out to apologize. However, when he comes to the door at his home, she loses her nerve and declares herself a cleaning girl looking for work. His home and life are a shambles, and she begins to go to his home each week to clean and care for him.
I won't reveal anything more than that; if you are at all interested, this is a film worth seeing. You may notice that I mentioned none of the sci-fi involved in this story. It is because that element is merely the canvas upon which the story is being painted. This story is about life, and wounds, and regret.
Another Earth is a movie that runs slow and deep. Pour a glass of wine and be moved.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My Son Has Cabin Fever
Today, Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Cabin Fever came out. I had pre-ordered Jake a copy, plus a half dozen more for my classroom, from Scholastic. They are very good about getting books out on release day.
I knew Jake would be jazzed to read it, but I underestimated him a little. When I pulled it out of my backpack, he hollered "Oh my Gosh!", flew across the room to snatch it from me, and tossed a "Thank you" over his shoulder as he grabbed his bowl of popcorn and headed for the couch. He got himself comfortable, then paused and looked back at me. "Now the reading begins....." he uttered, almost reverently.
Have I mentioned that I love that my son loves books?
I knew Jake would be jazzed to read it, but I underestimated him a little. When I pulled it out of my backpack, he hollered "Oh my Gosh!", flew across the room to snatch it from me, and tossed a "Thank you" over his shoulder as he grabbed his bowl of popcorn and headed for the couch. He got himself comfortable, then paused and looked back at me. "Now the reading begins....." he uttered, almost reverently.
Have I mentioned that I love that my son loves books?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Parent Fail

Yesterday, my wife and I went to my son's 4th grade parent teacher conference... that is a blog post in itself... but today I want to talk about an incident I overheard at the fundraising book sale that was happening in the kiva.
A boy I estimate to be in third grade approached his mother with a book.
"I want this one," he proclaimed as he handed the book to her. Her face darkened as she looked at the cover.
"This book is about a girl," Mom announced in an icy tone. Her son looked back at her confused. "The hero in this book is a girl! You don't want this one."
The boy took the book back and looked quizzically at the cover. "What's wrong with this book?" Mom sighed in frustration and looked at her husband. He shrugged and walked away.
Mom turned back to her son, "Let's find you a book where the boy is the hero." She directed him over to another rack. "Here. Here are some good books. You want one of these." She threw the other book on the pile and began loading books into the arms of a bewildered little boy.
It reminded me of a line from the movie Mississippi Burning:
Hatred isn't something you're born with. It gets taught.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
The Choir is Coming to Salt Lake City!
One of my favorite bands since I was a teen is The Choir. I first saw them at Ichthus 84 and have enjoyed pretty much every song since. I have seen them at least a half dozen times over the years and am thrilled that they will be here in SLC this Sunday.
The Choir has always written heart felt lyrics that tended to eschew the cliche' verses of most bands that find their tour circuit within the church directory.
Even still, I have to wonder what churches are making of their lyrics now. In their most recent CDs, I notice a tendency to call things as they are... rather than how they "ought" to be.
For example, in the song "Mercy Will Prevail" The Choir wrestles with the assurances of a good and loving God in the midst of people enduring suffering.
"Divine Love never fails. Mercy will prevail. I want to swear that's true but it's hard to believe it."
In the song "Nobody Gets a Smooth Ride", The Choir doesn't seem to promote the idea that God has a plan for everything or that "God is good all the time!" Instead, we get a lyrical shrug and a sigh.
"Nobody gets a smooth ride. I'm really sorry the way things are going these days. Try to be careful... that's all I can say."
Then there is the song "Invisible". In it, The Choir seems to challenge the habit many Christians have of describing every incident in their life as if it were the battleground of supernatural forces fighting over the Christian's destiny. The tone seems mocking at times.
"Invisible teams of phantom forces, racing through my dreams. Invisible forces chasing me. Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, defend me from this demon host."
It is stated toward the end of the song that blaming things on supernatural forces "makes no sense at all".
So how do church folks react to these kinds of lyrics? (Perhaps no one but me listens to lyrics anymore)
I get the impression that The Choir, like me, grew up amidst a lot of Christian beliefs and rhetoric that could not hold out over time. Sifting through old beliefs has become a regular practice for a lot of Christians I know. Some find little left to hold on to when the sifting is done... others find ways to incorporate what is left into a faith that can be sustained.
In any case, I will be placing my hiatus from Christianity on hold this weekend as I go spend an evening at church this Sunday with The Choir.
The Choir has always written heart felt lyrics that tended to eschew the cliche' verses of most bands that find their tour circuit within the church directory.
Even still, I have to wonder what churches are making of their lyrics now. In their most recent CDs, I notice a tendency to call things as they are... rather than how they "ought" to be.
For example, in the song "Mercy Will Prevail" The Choir wrestles with the assurances of a good and loving God in the midst of people enduring suffering.
"Divine Love never fails. Mercy will prevail. I want to swear that's true but it's hard to believe it."
In the song "Nobody Gets a Smooth Ride", The Choir doesn't seem to promote the idea that God has a plan for everything or that "God is good all the time!" Instead, we get a lyrical shrug and a sigh.
"Nobody gets a smooth ride. I'm really sorry the way things are going these days. Try to be careful... that's all I can say."
Then there is the song "Invisible". In it, The Choir seems to challenge the habit many Christians have of describing every incident in their life as if it were the battleground of supernatural forces fighting over the Christian's destiny. The tone seems mocking at times.
"Invisible teams of phantom forces, racing through my dreams. Invisible forces chasing me. Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, defend me from this demon host."
It is stated toward the end of the song that blaming things on supernatural forces "makes no sense at all".
So how do church folks react to these kinds of lyrics? (Perhaps no one but me listens to lyrics anymore)
I get the impression that The Choir, like me, grew up amidst a lot of Christian beliefs and rhetoric that could not hold out over time. Sifting through old beliefs has become a regular practice for a lot of Christians I know. Some find little left to hold on to when the sifting is done... others find ways to incorporate what is left into a faith that can be sustained.
In any case, I will be placing my hiatus from Christianity on hold this weekend as I go spend an evening at church this Sunday with The Choir.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The War on Halloween?
We have all heard about the War on Christmas. As December approaches, there is a subset of Christians who will get their undies in a bunch if perfect strangers do not show deference to their worldview. They take the greeting of "Happy Holidays" as if it were an insult. They flood Facebook with Fox News stories about liberals trying to tear down America through Christmas marginalization. They will strictly adhere to Focus on the Family's list of stores to avoid for not being sufficiently pro-nativity. In their view Christmas (and by extension Christians) is being targeted.
However, for the past few weeks, I have observed my school wrestle with what to do about Halloween. We have various religious families who will not celebrate Halloween. Other parents want the costumes and parades they remember having as a kid. Teachers were all over the map with their opinions. Folks wanted class parties, or felt we couldn't spare any academic time, or believed it was unkind to have all of these poor families feel pressured to buy costumes. When I went to my college class, I got to hear from other teachers about how their buildings were handling the question of what to do about Halloween. Every school seemed to have a different spin.
There are a lot of angles to consider. There are considerations that oppose other considerations, yet each has a valid point.
There are no conspiracies.... there are just a lot of voices to acknowledge.
It is the same with Christmas. I know it was just "easier" for Christians when they were the dominate voice on the block; when everyone in the room had to adjust their schedules around the Christians. Now there are all of these other voices in the room. There now has to be give, where before there was only take.
However, rather than becoming a sore spot for our nation, Christmas presents Christians with a real opportunity to live out their faith. Rather than suiting up for this year's battle over Christmas, they can choose to live the words of their scriptures:
Phillipians 2:3 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
However, for the past few weeks, I have observed my school wrestle with what to do about Halloween. We have various religious families who will not celebrate Halloween. Other parents want the costumes and parades they remember having as a kid. Teachers were all over the map with their opinions. Folks wanted class parties, or felt we couldn't spare any academic time, or believed it was unkind to have all of these poor families feel pressured to buy costumes. When I went to my college class, I got to hear from other teachers about how their buildings were handling the question of what to do about Halloween. Every school seemed to have a different spin.
There are a lot of angles to consider. There are considerations that oppose other considerations, yet each has a valid point.
There are no conspiracies.... there are just a lot of voices to acknowledge.
It is the same with Christmas. I know it was just "easier" for Christians when they were the dominate voice on the block; when everyone in the room had to adjust their schedules around the Christians. Now there are all of these other voices in the room. There now has to be give, where before there was only take.
However, rather than becoming a sore spot for our nation, Christmas presents Christians with a real opportunity to live out their faith. Rather than suiting up for this year's battle over Christmas, they can choose to live the words of their scriptures:
Phillipians 2:3 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ohio Animal Tragedy
"It's his property. He can do what he wants."
This was said by a neighbor of Terry Thompson, the man who released dozens of wild and jungle animals from his farm yesterday before shooting himself.
I hear this kind of statement often in the very Red state of Utah. Doing what you want, when you want can be regarded as a virtue here. Any kind of regulation or rule made by the government tends to get a knee-jerk reaction - it is resisted without regard to reasonableness.
I remember listening to a local talk show host who was berating some of his neighbors - for trying to get the city to enforce codes on a resident who was letting his home and lawn deteriorate. He used the exact same words:
"It's his property. He can do what he wants."
These statements are made by people who do not know how to live in a society. They have a romantic view of libertarian-ism that could only exist if one lived alone on an island. The rest of us have to live with family, neighbors, co-workers, fellow citizens, etc. Therefore, we must learn to give and take. Compromise and courtesy are what allow us to function as a civilized society. He can do what he wants is not sufficient or practical. Rules and regulations are not the enemy.
Ohio is one of 8 states who have little to no regulation regarding the ownership of wild animals. Not surprisingly it has a death and maiming rate by wild animals that is in line with their view of regulation. Yesterday's events were tragic on many levels; most of these animals had to be killed by local police.
"It's his property. He can do what he wants."
This is the mantra of the irresponsible; those who give all power to the individual while looking with derision at regulations that insist one also be responsible to society.
This was said by a neighbor of Terry Thompson, the man who released dozens of wild and jungle animals from his farm yesterday before shooting himself.
I hear this kind of statement often in the very Red state of Utah. Doing what you want, when you want can be regarded as a virtue here. Any kind of regulation or rule made by the government tends to get a knee-jerk reaction - it is resisted without regard to reasonableness.
I remember listening to a local talk show host who was berating some of his neighbors - for trying to get the city to enforce codes on a resident who was letting his home and lawn deteriorate. He used the exact same words:
"It's his property. He can do what he wants."
These statements are made by people who do not know how to live in a society. They have a romantic view of libertarian-ism that could only exist if one lived alone on an island. The rest of us have to live with family, neighbors, co-workers, fellow citizens, etc. Therefore, we must learn to give and take. Compromise and courtesy are what allow us to function as a civilized society. He can do what he wants is not sufficient or practical. Rules and regulations are not the enemy.
Ohio is one of 8 states who have little to no regulation regarding the ownership of wild animals. Not surprisingly it has a death and maiming rate by wild animals that is in line with their view of regulation. Yesterday's events were tragic on many levels; most of these animals had to be killed by local police.
"It's his property. He can do what he wants."
This is the mantra of the irresponsible; those who give all power to the individual while looking with derision at regulations that insist one also be responsible to society.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Conversations at Gardner Village
My kids and I had today off school (ML still had to work). So we went out to lunch and took the train to Gardner Village. We always have good chats. Here are two of them.
Kathryn: Dad, I think most kids have to believe what their parents believe.
Me: I suppose that is mostly true...
Kathryn: But you and Mom have never made me feel I had to believe what you believe; in fact, I think there are items that all three of us see differently.
Me: So, what do you think about that?
Kathryn: ......... thank you ........
Me: <grin> You're welcome....
Kathryn: Dad, I think most kids have to believe what their parents believe.
Me: I suppose that is mostly true...
Kathryn: But you and Mom have never made me feel I had to believe what you believe; in fact, I think there are items that all three of us see differently.
Me: So, what do you think about that?
Kathryn: ......... thank you ........
Me: <grin> You're welcome....
Me: That is a good question...
Kathryn: So what are you?
Kathryn: (considers thoughtfully for a moment) .... an agnostic, Christian, Buddhist....
Me: ...Hmmmm... I'm cool with that....
Monday, October 17, 2011
Pastor Numb Nutz
![]() |
God HATES You! |
“Some of you, God hates you. Some of you, God is sick of
you. God is frustrated with you. God is wearied by you. God has suffered long
enough with you. He doesn’t think you’re cute. He doesn’t think it’s funny. He
doesn’t think your excuse is “meritous” [the word he's looking for here is
"meritorious"]. He doesn't care if you compare yourself to someone
worse than you, He hates them too. God hates, right now, personally,
objectively hates some of you.” ~Pastor
Mark Driscoll
Did you think Fred Phelps ("God Hates Fags") said
this? No, this was said by an extremely
popular evangelical pastor and author.
He runs a church business in Seattle ,
and thousands upon thousands hang on his words each week. Aside from his congregants, his books sit on
the shelves of many of the evangelical Christians in your town.
Do you know evangelicals who are caustic? Negative?
Angry? Bitter? Hateful?
If so, they are probably taking their social cues from guys like
Driscoll. Many reasonable
sounding Evangelicals quietly appreciate his "punch in the face"
attitude, and quote his nastier bits amidst high-fives when non-Christians aren't
Still, I find his rants somewhat encouraging. To me, they are the angry, dying gasps of a
group that is becoming more and more marginalized - like the man who gives the
finger to the witnesses observing his execution.
Hackman! You are just becoming SO
Perhaps.... but not Anti - Christ. I don't think Driscoll represents Jesus in
any way, shape, or form. A Christianity
that defends him, I believe, has nothing to do with Jesus.
Lest you think he was just having a bad day, realize that
this is pretty typical material from him.
If he had no followers, like Phelps, he probably wouldn't be worth
mentioning; but Christians by the scores march to the beat of his drum.
Honestly, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Guys like this are always hiding
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Ooma Telephone Review
I had been with Vonage for about 6 years. When we first switched, it was amazing - only 25 dollars a month for unlimited calling. We had just moved to Utah which required me to take a substantial pay cut, and our long distance bills were huge. Vonage was a savior.
However, about 2 months ago, call quality became drastically reduced. We heard everyone fine, but the other end of the line was getting regular drop-offs in audio. I began to research other options. Maybe we would join the trend of just using our cell-phones.
One of the options I heard about was Ooma. Like Vonage, they work on a Voip system. They differ in that Ooma charges for the unit and not a monthly subscription. An Ooma router typically costs between $200-$250.
When I saw that Costco was charging $179, I decided to take the plunge. Hook up was fast and easy. I placed it between my modem and my wifi router. It took less than a half an hour to be up and running.
Unfortunately, Ooma had similar audio drops. Not as bad, but still unacceptable. I was looking for my receipt when the age of my modem occurred to me. I had bought that modem when I moved out to SLC seven years ago - in tech time, that is forever. I considered that modem technology must be wildly more efficient today, so I researched a bit and picked up a new one. Problem solved. My new modem is not really any faster, it is just more consistent. Packet loss is a thing of the past.
So we have been using Ooma now for a few weeks and it works like a champ. The only thing I pay for is $3.50 in taxes monthly. Ooma does have a premium service with more advanced options at $10 a month, but for now, the phone is fine.
It seems that a new modem would probably have solved my Vonage issues as well, but this worked out for the best. What I paid for Ooma and the modem is the equivalent of 10 months with Vonage - any time my Ooma works after that is bonus!
However, about 2 months ago, call quality became drastically reduced. We heard everyone fine, but the other end of the line was getting regular drop-offs in audio. I began to research other options. Maybe we would join the trend of just using our cell-phones.
One of the options I heard about was Ooma. Like Vonage, they work on a Voip system. They differ in that Ooma charges for the unit and not a monthly subscription. An Ooma router typically costs between $200-$250.
When I saw that Costco was charging $179, I decided to take the plunge. Hook up was fast and easy. I placed it between my modem and my wifi router. It took less than a half an hour to be up and running.
Unfortunately, Ooma had similar audio drops. Not as bad, but still unacceptable. I was looking for my receipt when the age of my modem occurred to me. I had bought that modem when I moved out to SLC seven years ago - in tech time, that is forever. I considered that modem technology must be wildly more efficient today, so I researched a bit and picked up a new one. Problem solved. My new modem is not really any faster, it is just more consistent. Packet loss is a thing of the past.
So we have been using Ooma now for a few weeks and it works like a champ. The only thing I pay for is $3.50 in taxes monthly. Ooma does have a premium service with more advanced options at $10 a month, but for now, the phone is fine.
It seems that a new modem would probably have solved my Vonage issues as well, but this worked out for the best. What I paid for Ooma and the modem is the equivalent of 10 months with Vonage - any time my Ooma works after that is bonus!
Monday, October 03, 2011
Ok... Let's Back Up....
I had this conversation with a friend today on Facebook. Overall, it actually occurred with his Pastor. It hit me a few ways. First, parts of it just served as Grade-A examples for my post from yesterday. It also reminded me of another South Park scene from that same episode. :)
It helped me understand and to give a little more grace to politicians who speak in sound bytes and catch phrases. I used Mormonism within an analogy about a larger point, and all of a sudden everyone thinks I am Mormon. Then I am on the receiving end of the perfunctory evangelical anti-mormon sermon. How can a politician dare say anything substantial when everyone goes bananas on key-words?
I have also noticed a tendency amongst many religious folks to take it personally if someone does not accept their faith. Atheists get a double dose of this disdain.
Lastly, it demonstrates that when people want to believe something... the needed logic will take care of itself.
This is one of thsoe statements where you could insert a "Wayne's World" "NOT!! after you say it. The universe shows the evidence of intelligent design so their must be an Intelligent Designer (God). One main reason people deny their is a God is that they don't want to be held accountable for their actions and sin, but rather live life in rebellion against Him.
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