Sunday, September 17, 2023

Experience vs Efficiency

In my classroom, the kids have weekly assigned jobs.  One of them is to pass out sanitizing wipes.  First thing after we come in the door, a student will grab the container and start putting wipes on each desk.

This week the task was assigned to “Joey” and he shows up late for school almost daily.  So, the job has been passed off to random students each day.  This has slowed our start each morning because it takes us a minute to realize it is not being done.

This morning as I was getting ready, I decided to pass out the wipes myself since “Joey” would probably not show up on time.  I noted how much faster I got it done… probably less than 30 seconds.  My students often take 5 minutes to accomplish this task.  They have trouble getting a wipe out, they drop the tub, they get distracted, they lose their place, they miss someone and an argument starts.

For a moment, I considered taking over this daily job.  It would save me time and, honestly, some stress.  But then I catch myself.  A major temptation I have to resist as a teacher is to do things for the students that they have the ability to do for themselves.  I have to regularly make peace with the reality that they will do a job slowly, messily, poorly.

I can add a lot of efficiency to my day by having students do very little.  If I do it for them, it gets done quick, clean, and without drama.  

But then they experience nothing.  

So, I remind myself – let them cut out the circles… badly.  Let them move the items… and knock half of them over.  Have them pass out the papers… and be painfully slow doing it.

Efficiency seems ideal in the moment but kids need the inefficiency of experience if they are going to grow.

Monday, September 04, 2023

Humanity's Desire for the Fantastic

I recently read an article by science fiction writer, David Brin, commenting on Congress's need to address some UFO conspiracies. 

Be it ghosts, deities, UFOs, auras, crystals, or vast conspiracies centered on pizza restaurants... underlying all of this is a desire for the fantastic.  We want our emotions stirred.  Most folks find that in music, art, books, movies etc...  But for some reason, many humans are not content with story and imagination.  They want it to be "real".

I do too.  It would be a blast if people could swing between buildings after being bitten by a radioactive spider.  How amazing would it be if aliens landed in Central Park and wanted to introduce us to the wonders of the universe.  Wouldn't it be great if a deity or two could secure peace and let us know that everything will be alright?

I just don't think that is the world we inhabit.

But I understand the draw.

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