I run into this a lot on social media. People rant in 100-word sentences to tell you how frustrated they are on this or that issue.
For the longest time, I assumed that these folks were merely uneducated and writing structures were simply not available to them.
I am wondering though if there is more to it than that.
We know that empathy is the ability to truly connect with another person, to understand THEIR perception of an event.
When I write... even a simple post... it will often go through a number of revisions. I read it over, looking for redundancy, repeated use of a word, and clarity. If my daughter is around, I will have her give it a proofread.
I want the reader to be clear with what I have written. I want to minimize the possibility of misunderstanding. A lot of times, I just want to make sure I am not being an asshole.
However, I don't think the narcissist cares to do any of that. What they wrote was clear to them... end of story. Why re-read? Why check for errors? Why consider how to make the position more clear?
I understand that poor writing COULD be a matter of education... but given how often I see it pop up with certain personalities... could it not be narcissism in written form?