I have a new student from China (I teach 2nd grade). He has been with me for 2 weeks. His only English words seem to be - no, yes, what, and I don't know. He is pretty energetic and happy, but today after lunch he was obviously working at holding back tears. I tried to figure out what was wrong, but asking seemed to frustrate him more.
Then I remembered Google Translate. I pulled out my phone and downloaded the app. I set it to Chinese.
I pressed the button. "Are you sad?" I said.
A moment later it spoke back in Chinese. His eyes widened. I showed him the button to press on my phone. He spoke into it, and a moment later it said "Yes, I am sad."
"Why are you sad?" I asked. My phone translated.
"I lost my gloves during lunch," my phone said aloud after he spoke to it.
I asked what color they were. He pressed the button and spoke.
I announced to the class that we were missing his gloves. My lunch monitor said that after everyone left the table, she saw gloves and put them in our lunch basket. She ran over to it and held up the gloves. My Chinese student lit up and smiled.
For the next 10 minutes, my student and I talked through my phone. We found out each other's favorite colors, how to say good morning, and what our opinions were on snow.
Thanks Google!